Community Miracle & Vision Ministries

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Where Change Begins


Despite the negatives, Jamaica is largely a beautiful Christ centered country with unlimited potential for growth, development, prosperity, and kingdom building.

There is no shortage of open hearts and minds when it comes to delivering the good news of Jesus’s death, resurrection, and life changing power. Not just for this generation but future generations as well.

In addition to this, Jamaica is on the cusp of an economic boom as there are so many untapped goods, services, trades, and technological advances that Jamaicans have yet to experience and/or take advantage of. This is why CMV Ministries will work tirelessly to be a part of ushering in this period of great change, prosperity, and blessing.

However, a large and seemingly insurmountable obstacle to this massive change is the rampant crime, lawlessness, and disregard for fellow countrymen in Jamaica.

The current State of Emergency is one way of maintaining law and order in Jamaica. However, if the root causes are addressed (especially from the home and early childhood education) a more positive outlook can be created both locally and internationally. In the midst of these high-level security measures, many of Jamaica’s young men are heavily influenced by gangs, music about guns & violence, and social media that advocates criminality.

While speaking at a youth empowerment conference in Jamaica (in March 2023), that same week a group of young boys between the ages of 12-16 held up a supermarket. This was done with high powered weapons, in broad daylight, and without masks. Such tragedies make it evident that some youths are crying out for help and would be open for change. If given a better opportunity, there is no doubt many will turn away from crime.

In January of 2023 the Prime Minister of Jamaica held a prayer conference at the national arena. He made a major statement by pleading with the church to do more for Jamaica where crime is concerned. On such a platform it speaks volumes about who Jamaicans are as a nation: A people who believe in doing what is right. It would be unwise to ignore the fact that crime has permeated all aspects of society, however, all must stand together with those who oppose crime and wrongdoing, to preserve the beauty of Jamaica, and protect its motto: “Out of many one people.”

If the statistics are correct with over 70% of mothers in Jamaica being single parent mothers then it would be naive to ignore the negative impact that this has on society.

I can honestly confess that I have made my fair share of mistakes as a young boy and as an adult. Even with two parents who raised eleven children, and did the best they could, my life was negatively influenced by those around me who were devoid of moral values. A lot of my male influences viewed manhood as being defined by having multiple girlfriends. One can imagine that this would result in a lack of commitment and love for one partner.

This kind of behavior and thinking will eventually lead one to violate the principles of God’s word and create the breeding ground for sexual immorality, anger, ignorance, crime and violence and a host of other vices.

My purpose and passion is to change the negative and destructive narrative(s) that many are influenced by. Thus I am determined to create a network of all areas of leadership. Including but not limited to: parents, religious leaders, educators, C-level executives, management personnel, security forces, government, and community leaders.

The saying that the wise King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 15:9

“The way [of life] of the wicked is hateful and exceedingly offensive to the lord, but he loves one who pursues righteousness” [personal integrity, moral courage and honorable character].

It is my prayer that righteousness will rain like a mighty flood on Jamaica: The land we love. One of the main elements to the solution is a transformation of attitude to reflect compassion and love for one another. I will leave you with a quote from one of the most iconic and impactful Jamicans to ever live:

“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” -Bob Marley

The History of Community Miracle & Vision Ministries

Community Miracle and Vision Ministry Inc (CMVM) was started in 2006 in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada with the simple mission of: using Christ-like love to improve the neighborhood.

CMV Ministries has since blossomed into a global ministry with subsidiary outfits set up in Kingston, Jamaica and Ander Pradash, India. However, the mandate to use Christ-like love to improve the neighborhood (be it local, national, or international) has remained unchanged.

CMV Ministries is now headquartered in Brampton Ontario Canada, with a pastoral leadership team that includes the senior pastor Delroy Michael Cameron PhD, and two associate pastors. The two associate pastors are (his wife) pastor Michele Cameron and Julian Bailey PhD.

In keeping true to the Christ centered original inspiration behind CMVM’s creation some of the activities and services that the ministry has been involved with over the years (and currently) are:

Prison Inmate Ministry

Street Outreach Ministry

Workplace Prayer Meetings and Bible Study

Conferences and Crusades

Currently Bible studies are held twice weekly via zoom. In addition to this there is also ongoing weekly fasting conducted via zoom.

Marital and spiritual counseling are offered on a per needs basis.

As mentioned before the ministry is actively involved in community outreach, with a local barbecue and car wash held annually.

The ministry began its global transition when pastor Delroy Cameron visited India in April 2022. He was able to minister the word to the people of India while networking with other pastors.

The global division of the ministry is now called Global Community Leaders (GCL) due to the focus being on the global community in addition to the local community.

As a native son of Jamaica Delroy has observed and experienced a very important truth: Jamaica has a deep and rich culture that produces its own art, music, entertainment, soulfulness, and etiquette. Music is deeply loved, and certain sports (such as track and field) are revered. Due to the passion, artistry, style, and intrigue attached to Jamaican culture, a great deal of income is generated by tourism. In areas where such income is generated crime is a serious problem, albeit unsurprisingly.

While many are seeking to migrate for various reasons (and some rightly so), many such as himself have been commissioned by their faith in Jesus Christ to return as a difference maker.